

semi-related ideas orbiting a nebulous central issue

My brain chooses all the wrong times to bestow inspiration upon me.

It's random, but I've realised all it takes to make a popular romantic lead is to make him/her nondescript and then have the main character fall for him/her. Reader-insertion does the rest of the work.

I'd like to write another story after Umbrella and OTDOTS, in a world that runs by different rules. Maybe the 12-panel revolving door world. Each universe will have a different level of technological advancement. The main character team will include a person who keeps the world in motion and must be protected at all costs. Also, one with the ability to leave invisible markers in the terrain that can be triggered to explode at will (posing a threat to allies if he/she can't remember where they are), one who must close an electrical circuit with the target in order to attack, one whose type of matter/energy control depends on mood. It'd be very nice to write about rarely-used powers...

An idea that just popped in by looking at the "custom" button below this: there could be one who can customise the physical rules within a certain radius of him/her to his/her preference. Potential need to nerf this person via plot device.

I realised fictional works don't just inspire me by being wonderful. I might simply rue that the story handled a brilliant premise or element terribly. It might merely be something about the work that left a bad aftertaste. In any case, the work gets done and inspiration is always for the better.

Pretty word of the day (not because I learnt it today, but because I've been thinking about it a lot recently): agnate. A relative sharing a male ancestor with the subject. Most often used to describe two people of a common lineage, especially a royal one.