Really need to break the habit of using the computer at home after school. Computer -> sleep deprivation -> unproductive the next day. And like today, -> bad mood -> break under small tensions -> class disruption.
I feel bad for the teachers who had to put up with me. The only lesson I actually attended today was Math, and only half of it. Skipped PE and Assembly, spent 3/4 of Bio practical crying + sleeping in class.
- "Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."
- lazy to give titles
- If I see someone whose work I perceive to be super...
- Stop taking these liberties. We aren't friends.
- I understand it now--you hate rebels, I hate confo...
- I guess it's true you join the dots
- I hate when people make me part of a pattern
- and forward
- What's wrong, ego gotten to you too? Another one?
- i do wish
- I WISH she'd just stop singing with that fake Amer...
- What's respect to this household? My sister, four ...
- Thinking about my relationship is suddenly getting...
- the story
- blade
- I'm latent death
- semi-related ideas orbiting a nebulous central issue