Take 5. The last day. I never thought my freedom would end like this.
Technically, it wasn't a bad day. Besides the rhythmic headache the sun gave me, there wasn't anything to hate about today. While they were having fun, I was haviing my own sort of fun. After three walked rounds of the beach and some brief spectation of various ongoing games, to the artificial rocky seaside it was. I watched the ships and tossed coconut husks into the sea, watching them depart and wondering if they'd someday, somehour, come to bump against the hulls of cargo ships.
And apt, maybe, because today is the day I say goodbye. Goodbye to the laughter that has always and will always characterise sacred childhood, so precious, forever pure and locked in that secret cabinet. Today feels like the last chance we had to dream and dance and touch our crumbling innocence. It's a gift, and yet it's a warning--that after tomorrow, it will all have vanished. Maybe forever.
No more playtime after this. It's time to get to work. There might be next year, but next year it will no longer be the same. Only a reminder that we'll never return to the place we once were.
I should have done more. I really should. Watching others play was entertaining, but not much else. Rather pointless. I didn't play myself, and thus I effectively squandered the day. I wish I had said my goodbyes. I wish I had treasured the sun on my face. But all I did was watch. Then retreat from the sun and be my silly, lonesome self.
Well, off we go into the world of stress, A levels, guys, fame pursuit, dire cruel necessity and frisbee fans. Wish me luck. Especially with the guys. I have no idea how I will handle it all.
On a side note, 1) I wasted HT's time today after take 5, waiting for a bus that would never have come. How could I forget that 188 terminates before that stop? Uhh! Just because I take 188 TO vivocity doesn't mean I can take it FROM vivocity as well. 2) It turns out Mr. Astronomy nerd lives a ten minute drive from my home, in a condo I pass every single day after school. Coincidences are just astounding. Fascinating. The world is shrinking. Singapore even more so.
- letter to a good friend
- new blogskin
- con moto; the winds of change
- turn of the wind
- croak...?
- frog
- skip
- Katy Perry: Peacock
- had to get it out of my system
- paper cones and colliding galaxies
- today's lessons
- doors
- regretting isn't enough, is it?
- brave little resolution
- nothing once again
- classes
- four stories
- seaside
- oh well
- slipping away
- a dream
- who they are
- the brighter the sun
- gone, all gone