"a. There must be several separate episodes of failure to restrain aggressive impulses that result in serious assaults against others or property destruction.
b. The degree of aggression expressed must be out of proportion to any provocation or other stressor prior to the incidents.
c. The behavior cannot be accounted for by another mental disorder, substance abuse, medication side effects, or such general medical conditions as epilepsy or head injuries."
I am most sure that I suffer from this. I have caused harm to people for the tiniest of reasons. As a child I used to beat my siblings up when they upset me. I have destroyed things, injured myself and attempted to injure others, out of blind rage--teachers changing the melody to a song I wrote, scoring a deserved 45% on an examination, mother insisting I apply to a university course I have little interest in. I have torn up exam papers and tutorials, notes; I have thrown things at teachers and friends. That time with the university course, I hit my mother. Once I threw a soft drink can into the bin over someone's head, and the person scolded me for it--I think I tried to strangle someone out of anger at that, and that someone wasn't the person who scolded me. In fact it was someone I care much about...
I imagine worse things, but of course I fear for my life and my criminal record and I will never do them. I can't say much about frequency (what is considered frequent?) but these moods seize me at least once every day or two days.