

Group work at ADM...

Just did a 3D group project with a total bitch (excuse me but it's the only accurate word I can think of). She kept shutting me down. I didn't get to contribute a single idea to the project. She kept insisting on something completely unfeasible and when it (predictably) failed to materialise as planned, she complained as if it was OUR fault. And then she went and discarded our work of two hours even though it was workable. So easy to throw things away when you didn't help with all the cutting, isn't it? I rubbed my fingers raw on the pen knife handle only for her to decide it wasn't to be used.

I have been hearing about people like her for as long as I've heard group experiences recounted, and I have to say I handled it worse than I could have. For fear of being challenged on my judgments, I avoided suggesting anything. My fault alone.