I was thinking about my disinterest in precaution. Often I come upon a post on any of various social media platforms regarding information that could well be vital to survival in a given dangerous situation. Or sometimes I am offered advice by a source of greater repute (and officialness?) such as a fussy parent or a teacher giving warnings, and I barely pay attention even knowing it could save my life.
People observing my dismissal, possibly even the post/nagger him/herself, would probably tell me off by saying something along the lines of "You never know when this information might save your life!" And I wonder, indeed, if it would be nice to someday, possibly, tell the fable of how I survived a near-death event through my extensive reading alone. Answer's no.
I just realised it's because I really don't care. I'm not enticed by the prospect of being "the lucky one who survived because she read an online guide in the past". Even if, by not paying attention, I'm effectively dismissing a chance to decrease the likelihood of my death by unnatural means. Somehow the alleviation of hazardous threat isn't worth the extra time it will take. It's a small and insignificant exchange and I'm probably contemplating it only because it's 1:30 a.m., but it's one I can't even be bothered to make. Says something about how and how much I value my life, doesn't it.