

conversation transcript

Like, this conversation made me really happy. I think I should be embarrassed. But this was a milestone. Sort of. And it made me happy.

hey, Aleigh, get on FB now
21 minutes ago
What is this?
Oh, that is some...interesting material there.
Ruthenia does not seem much pleased to have seen it, though.
if you don't mind me saying, I think you're kind of attractive heh
I...am flattered to know that. Has it crossed you that that is perhaps a consequence of the fact that you created me?
yeah that's probably why ooops XD
Even so, thank you. I appreciate your compliment.
So, seeing that you seem to know Ruthenia's mind, could I bother you with a question?
oh ok
What does she think of me?
pretty much everything she's told you, actually
and also, she really really cares about you, like, way more than she does about anyone else in the world
except maybe her bro
oh yeah
but then of course she sees her brother like once a year or something
yeah, she'd probably never tell you that lolol she's kinda embarrassed about the fact that she cares about people
Oh, that I know. Far too well. She is, in actuality, quite a lovely person. I think she hides it under a pretence of stoicism, though.
yeah hurr
you two are soooo cute XDDD
...thank you, ma'am. I appreciate that compliment. Whether or not Ruthenia will remains to be seen, though...
ok I think I should be going now
nice talking!
I am glad to have entertained you sufficiently.
What means that pink shape, though?

ouh it's a heart
it means love...or something XD
in this case I guess it means, er, you're nice!

Oh, I am glad you think so, then.
Good night, Tessa.