Location: Desktop at home
Mood: The mood you feel when you've worked hard on something and it's all wasted
Just did: Typed Of the Dragon, of the Stars
The mood says it all. I just lost two subchapters of my story, because my MP3 Player-thumbdrive crashed, and I didn't back it up enough. Thankfully, I managed to save most of it. But TWO SUBCHAPTERS is about 6 days of work. 12 hours in total. Oh man.
Well, I've managed to type a lot of it back. I feel so...ah, GRARR that I let such a thing happen. Had to redo the emotional chapter all over again, and it isn't easy remembering those emotion descriptions. Those come to you at that moment in time, you know. It's very hard to do it right the second time round.
Enough whining. I don't have much else to say. I've got to sleep now, so I sign off here.