Wow, Umbrella is so self-indulgent.
I suppose the realisation comes after encountering a book of similar "flavour" to Umbrella. I might have thought it deep while writing it, but really any sense of "depth" is negated by my shameless partiality towards the segments I enjoyed writing, not all of much significance to the work as a whole. I guess that's where those 315,000 words sprang from.
I'm sorry to anyone who (quite foolishly, I'd think) banked any hopes upon the eventual release of this story, but I will not be letting anyone read it in full until I can iron it straight and clean it up so it doesn't look like the hangover of my delirious imaginings. I grant that there is some material I judge to be almost worthy of the eyes of others; the less meaty (spoilery) bits of it go here.
Meanwhile, I will be hard at work at it--after the 'A' levels.
- Those days when I hate everyone and don't want any...
- machiavellianism fascinates me
- on analysis
- R3!
- I'd say I'm mildly appalled
- I try, I drop past grievances, yet I cannot but ha...
- ouchhh
- blogskin revamp the second
- focus switch?
- Umbrella Story word cloud
- my two cents regarding examinations
- New page
- writing woes...
- I hate when people claim to empathise with me on s...
- In response