

blogskin revamp the second

So I did. I just turned my blogskin into Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji fangirl heaven. For those unaware, both of the existence of this manga/anime series and of my love of it, it is wonderful and delicious because of the art, aristocrats and opulence of the backdrops. Some works hinge on atmosphere. I adore such works. Black Butler does it flawlessly.

I also worked out a lot of CSS in the process, thereby spending an entire afternoon I should have dedicated to Umbrella Story alone (in interest of finishing with time for A levels revision). I imagine CSS is highly useful to know. Particularly for one interested in going into graphic design.

Now you will note the mainbox and sidebar are in greyscale...until you hover your cursor over them. Then they magically gain colour! But what's this, the pictures are still in greyscale? Hover again--colour and scaling! There is also a blurry-to-clear title hover effect when you view individual posts.

In other news, see the post below.