I am actually bored. Not because I have nothing to do but because I'm not in the mood to do it. Not enough sleep? The likely reason. I must remember to get sufficient sleep even in times when I will not need it because I will want to have it if I'm going to operate at my best.
Then again all my best ideas come in the night (do they?); they come when the air is cold and when there's no headache-inducing light about. That's 1. rainstorms and 2. nighttime. Sad life.
I tire of raising my arms backwards to tie my hair.
- I don't know anymore. Seriously. All I said was t...
- I'm not in the mood for all this. Why do moods alw...
- Not good enough--not good enough, right? No one's ...
- another dream
- anxious
- I admit it, I feel very much out of the loop among...
- confused or not
- stars
- long live!
- I am actually bored. Not because I have nothing to...
- I think I have a crush on someone.