

get a sugarsync account.

Just wanted to mention that I am using a programme called Sugarsync--a programme for sharing files between devices much like Dropbox, except for a very big bonus: your starting storage space is almost double of what Dropbox gives you. Plus, it's easy to earn.

Which is why I'm here. (There, we finally get to the point.) Nope I haven't become an advertiser, as the above paragraph may have initially appeared to suggest.

If you sign up for an account via this link, I get some free space added to my own account. And yours.

I can vouch for this programme--I've been using it for my files ever since I stopped trusting thumbdrives.

(An important thing, which I took a while to discover: remember to check out the "Manage Sync Folders" area. That's where most of the programme's power can be found. I'm still exploring it.)


it's getting tiring...

Sometimes, I wish I could remind you that I'm not a counsellor: my job is not to listen to people who are barely more than strangers talk about their every worry and help them find solutions. But of course you mean no harm, and I must do my best to accommodate you, because I know it matters and I don't want to hurt you. It's just--I told you about this very issue before, you apologised, I "forgave" you--and now you've returned to your old habits. Here we go again.

And a second thing: I think it's time you became more sensitive to the disparity between your interpretation of a friendship and the other party's interpretation of that same friendship. Sometimes, a person you think of as a close friend might see you as no more than an acquaintance trying too hard to interact with him/her, with no consideration for him/her at all.

And one last thing: online isn't exactly the best place to earn another person's amicability.


look at yourself before you complain

It is human nature to be hypocritical. Our minds are too complex for any single values system to rule always, and we do so many things in a lifetime that there'd likely be discrepancies in the values we employ. It is also human nature to hate hypocrisy. We all crave justice, balk especially at the notion of the condemner doing what he or she condemns. I suppose that makes us all hypocrites, through and through.


the source of this friction

It is somewhat fascinating that even my conflicts with my parents can be explained through our differing MBTI dichotomies.

With my mother, it's always about the mess in my room, the mess in the living room, getting off the computer at 12 midnight sharp. Quite clear, isn't it--she's Judging while I am Perceiving. I have problems trying to explain to her that perfect orderliness isn't necessary for fully-efficient functioning; in fact, freedom to "create messes" might be more energising than all her suffocating, rigid rules could ever be for me. She can't seem to wrap her mind around that idea, so I'm stuck tidying my room (and being unable to find anything in that mess) only to transform it back into a mess a few days later.

Another thing is her idea of my future. To her, sure, all my dreaming of being an artist or a novellist is well and good--but as far as she's concerned, she's not letting me near a future with a job considered any less than stable. Sensing people always were so hungry for assurances of safety. And while she's there with full control over me, I'm not going to be doing anything about it.

With my father, it's generally about religion and why in the world I find it so hard to have faith, and I'm the one who's losing out because I don't want to believe in God.

(side-rant here, but in primary school, I was actually very religious--I wonder why I stopped being so! Maybe I was in a bubble of your construction then, and I was naive. You thought you could keep me in that opaque bubble forever, didn't you. You thought I wouldn't start seeing through it. Or maybe, as you say, my belief has been "tainted" by "the devil". And he even accuses me of being close-minded, when he won't even address my VERY VALID arguments, only clamping down on them by claiming "you don't know the world" and "I have more experience than you"?)

In that case, I suppose it's the same issue, in a different guise. So fixated upon the concepts (note, concepts, unlike my mother) that were his world and his hope in his youth. I wonder if he's ever considered that the laws he lived by may not be just as useful and inspiring and saving as they were for him. We might see the world the same way, but we handle what we see differently, very differently.



Uh...will you ever get it, that

  • I don't hate you just because I'm not responding to you every minute,
  • We don't really know each other well, so there's really not even much for us to discuss in the first place, and
  • I just don't want to be IMed every single bloody day the instant you notice that I'm online?
I don't want to be cruel because I know how much this means, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood to be tolerant.



I have no idea why, but my blog seems to have gained a music taste of its own.

Worst thing is, it's not telling me where the sound is coming from.

I advise everyone who visits my blog to mute their speakers before coming, while I try to work out the source of that mysterious music player, whose playlist is frightfully...random.