My god my sister annoys the hell out of me.
I used to try to form a generalisation about people I dislike--but I never really found a proper one. I used to think I hated girly people/bimbos, in an attempt to explain my dislike of her--but no, that's really not true, because I do have good friends of that "sort", and it's not an insult.
I worked it out when I was listening to her perform her own rendition! of a song.
She's so fake. She doesn't have a person. She doesn't have her own voice. She simply follows. Follows the trends, does what is "cool" and what is "in"--dresses like this because it's "hot" and "fashionable" and media and society tell her it is attractive! (like, these overtly-tight clothes that make every bump of your body visible?) then walks around flaunting it subtly (hoping we can't tell what she's doing), talks with this (badly-faked) American accent because that's how everyone talks! And when she sings, she imitates the original singer's voice without realising her voice is nothing like the star's, and that it sounds frankly disgusting contorted into such a style.
What in the world, is there some guy she wants to seduce or something? Or is she trying to fit in with the crowd she's mingling with? Why does she dress up like this when she goes for parties with her friends?
And the last thing: she acts as if she is attractive all round and desirable. People only do these things, if they think they have something to show for it. I don't think she's ugly, but I don't think she's anywhere near Miss Singapore either. By a mile. So can't she just be natural?
Sure, I know she's a young teen. And I'm pretty sure her friends are the ones who mould her personality right now. I don't intend to force her to change in any way, if this is who she wants to be. But why, why can't she be real for once, and why is it that she must try so hard to attain that image sold by the media?