

don't close your eyes

It's surprising how silly nightmares begin to sound, when you try to describe them to someone else. And you just swear that at the point when you were dreaming them, they were the downright freakiest things you had ever thought up...

So basically I had this nightmare last night: We were trying to observe the symbiosis between a species of caterpillar and a species of sunbird in captivity, so we got ourselves a pair of each animal and put them in an enclosure together with a tree. Some time passed, and good thing was, the birds reproduced......but bad thing, so did the caterpillars. I saw butterflies laying eggs in one "scene" and at the next......all the eggs were hatching, and the caterpillars were all over the place, devouring the leaves of the tree......and there was nowhere you could look without seeing caterpillars......and the baby bird fell sick because of the caterpillars, it would seem. Urrrghhhh I'm sure everyone knows I have a phobia of things that multiply/grow fast and suddenly. And now I also have a phobia of caterpillars. :S