

Other things that have happened

Location: Old laptop
Mood, Just did: Same as just now

What else happened other than Kris winning American Idol season 8?

We did our MEP practicals. 1st instrument: Ooookay. Considering that I hate Bach and that I had just finished learning my piece before the exam, I did well. No mistakes, which I find pleases me a great deal.

2nd instrument: man, all I can say is: disappoited. I really thought we'd do well! We could play it really, really well--I'm not being arrogant here. It sounded and felt really good, just right. And we were fine...until the page was turned wrongly, and I couldn't play from memory. So...we broke down and had to play it again.

THEN my phone rang. Oh man, when my ringtone started playing, my brain overheated with thoughts like "Oh crapppp I SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED THE SCHOOL RULES AND TURNED IT OFF--LOOK WHAT IT'S DONE NOW" flying around in my head. Blarrh.

Anyway what's done is done. Predictions: 1st instrument, 44/50; 2nd instrument, 40/50

Okay. Open House today. Let me summarise it: Fire-writing, cheerleaders, badly-prepared "museum guide", algin, concentrated sulphuric acid, crystal gardens, starvation, forgotten retainer boxes and shrinking plastic. Yay, what a festive mood.

Fell asleep for half of church this evening. Managed to catch the back half. Watched the results show again. Enjoyed the group numbers very much.

That's my wonderful recap of the week. Yay.

Quote of the week: "Sir Stamford Raffles, Mr. Lim, and a chicken-shaped cactus. What happens?" ~ 100-question meme